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How can the Smart2Move 1D & 3D Dual Force Plates data benefit golf instructors at any level ?


This E-Book is an approach of fundamental basics of Biomechanics to analyse the Ground Reaction Forces which are essential in Golf motion and expertise.

The Ground Reaction Forces (shortened GRF) are key in the performance analysis for teachers / coaches, and in motion learning for students.In fact, force is creating motion, and without the forces exchanged with the ground, the player would not be able to stay stable and create the motion of the club in space.

This is why analyzing the Ground Reaction Forces is like analyzing the roots or the causes of the while swing motion. Changing the GRF will change your swing.

What’s inside




1D Dual Force Plates




3D Dual Force Plates



What is biomechanics ?

Biomechanics is a branch of human sciences of motion that studies the effects of physical forces on alive structure and their movement.

This science is studying the forces acting on and in a biological structure, and the effects produced by these forces.

We can identify 2 main fields of analyses:Kinematics is the description of the motion of a point / body without considering the mass of each and the forces that caused the motion.Kinetics is concerned by the relationship between the motion and its causes, more specifically forces and torques. It’s also called Dynamics.


What is a Force Plate ?


A force plate is a measuring device that measures the Ground Reaction Forces of a body standing on it. This system is mainly used in medicine and in sports fields, for assessment, diagnostics and research.You can quantify balance, gait and other biomechanics or kinetics parameters.

Based on load cells sensors, Force Plates can provide information like vertical forces (in 1D), horizontal Forces and vertical moment of force (in 3D), Center of Pressure and much more.Smart2Move has 2 types of Force Plates, specifically developed for golf.

Both systems are Dual Force Plates, being able to measure independently Ground Reaction Force under each foot.S2M 1D Dual Force Plates measures the Vertical force. They are portable, wireless and works with an iPad.

Download our E-Book to learn more…



Ground Reaction Force data is collected by Force Plates, such as the measurement tools offered by Smart2Move. In the following chapters, you will receive some illustrations of our software or application. We will show you how the considered data is available on our Software and application, and how to use it.

They make analyzing what the students lower body is doing during the golf swing easy to understand and a system to make the students improve. S2M is an incredible company, at the forefront of technology in GRFs.

Mike Adams

I want my students to understand that force creates motion. And if there is something off in their golf swing, then there is something off in the way they are putting force into the ground. So Smart2Move Force Plates is an easy way for them to get feedback.

EA Tischler

I have spent my career measuring the golf swing. You cannot see force in video or 3-D. This is just another effective tool to help diagnose and help us improve our students!

James Leitz

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